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About Orda Cave:
Orda Cave is the longest underwater labyrinth of corridors and chambers known in Russia. And what makes it really special is the fact that it is a gypsum cave which means the interior does not resemble typical caves with the presence of stalactites and stalagmites. In the Orda Cave rock formations are arranged in the form of gypsum blocks, creating an unparalleled and unique underwater landscape. The miracle of the Ural, as the cave is also known, is located in Russia, right on the border between Europe and Asia, on the western side of the Ural mountains.
Actualización a 29/12/2024: Video:
Orda, plongée au centre de la Terre
L'eau cristalline et la roche blanche brillante de la grotte d'Orda, joyau de l'Oural, sont légendaires parmi les plongeurs sous-marins. La beauté de cette grotte, longue de 4200 mètres, est unique. Alors que les températures atteignent moins 40 degrés, nous plongeons dans l'eau glacée, découvrons un univers majestueu et accompagnons des scientifiques qui nous epliquent les origines de cette gr...
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