viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Hellfest 2020

Muy buenas,
Ya se estaba rumoreando pero acabo de ver el comunicado oficial:


The French authorities signed the end of the game. There will be no HELLFEST this year.

Over the past few days, many of you have been concerned about this 15th anniversary edition. You showed us your support in this unprecedented situation that hits us full in the face so badly. Just like you, we believed until the last minute that the festival could take place this year.

Unfortunately, in the face of this unprecedented situation, the Loire-Atlantique Prefecture and Ministry of Culture took the only reasonable decision, to ban the festival. The 2020 HELLFEST EDITION is therefore cancelled. We are supporting their decision and would like to thank them for their consideration and responsiveness towards our festival.

The longer the days went by, the more it seemed impossible to envisage a 2020 edition, guaranteeing a satisfactory organization and most important: your safety. Aware that the risk of contagion related to the Covid-19 will still be high in June, it would have been irresponsible and dangerous for us to allow tens of thousands of fans - shirtless and thirsty- to gather in such a restricted area. The public authorities also told us that they are no longer able to guarantee the usual safety and rescue services (i.e. police unit, emergency units, medical support, etc) for any large gathering like ours.

With a heavy heart, we’ve come to the decision to postpone this 15th anniversary edition of Hellfest to June 18th,19th and 20th of 2021.

If you are in possession of a 3-Days Ticket or 1-Day Ticket for the 2020 edition, we offer you to keep your ticket for the 2021 edition, without any additional costs. You have nothing to do ! You will be send, as soon as possible, a new ticket valid for the 2021 edition of Hellfest!

If you do not wish or are unsure to participate in the 2021 edition, you have two choices :

-Visit Ticketswap, the only official retailer of festival tickets that guarantees a secure transaction. No need to specify the tickets purchased by any other means will not be valid (Viagogo, Stubhub, etc.).
By choosing this option you will make a happy festival goer who was despaired not to come this year and our Association will be able to keep the value of the ticket to prepare the 2021 edition of Your festival.
-Of course, and according to the law, a refund option will be offered in the coming days. We will come back to you about this once the solution is implemented, included for the specificities related to the different transport packages (train, bus, etc).

This is a real blow for our non-profit Association and to the entire territory.

Out of respect for you, the fans who made the festival what it is today, we want to be transparent about the impact this “forced” postponement will have.

As of today, the Hellfest Productions Association will have to face several difficulties. In contrast to other sectors (which will also be hard hit by a downturn in the economy over several months), our Association will financially lose a whole year. The government measures, which we applaud, will not be enough to make up for the heavy losses we will have to face. Wages, general and promotional costs, bank depreciations are all incompressible costs that cannot be financed with a "blank year".

Aware of the risks and its responsibility, Hellfest Productions Association has nevertheless taken care to take out insurance of type “all except” with the company named ALBINGIA, French insurance company located in Levallois Perret, for the modest amount of 175,000€. Sum corresponding to the amount of the premium of the contract supposed to cover us of potential risks leading to a cancellation. The same insurance contract clearly stipulates that financial losses due to possible pandemics will be covered provided that the contract was signed before the outbreak and recognition of the pandemic by the French authorities or by the WHO. Our contract was signed on December 17, 2019, before the virus appears in China.

But here we are, our insurance company is demonstrating to those still doubting, that it is easier to pay insurance premiums rather than to obtain reparation for damages that we are supposed to be covered. Therefore, we were denied from ALBINGIA because this “type” of pandemic did not fit into our insurance policy.

We obviously contest this reading. For ALBINGIA, solidarity is for others, taking the risk of putting their policyholders in economic difficulties. Their reasoning is simple, take our contributions for a cancellation insurance YES, compensate us: NEVER. The idea?! Playing with words and interpretations to start a trial which last for several years. Meanwhile, the company will keep the money we should be able to claim. This is the reason why we want to shed light today on these shameful practices especially in times like this.

Solidarity and commitments compliance should be the main concerns of insurers company.

In short, while we are waiting for a long procedure, only two words come to us for this specialized event and audiovisual insurance company: FUCK YOU!

Far from being a relief for us, this one-year postponement also puts in financial difficulties many actors, without whom the festival could not take place : intermittents, service providers, suppliers, partner associations, producers, artists, etc. Some of them will be seriously affected by the loss of their activity, and we we would like to express our unwavering support to them. We will see you all in 2021, once these difficult times are over.

Despite these uncertain times, our motivation and our will are stronger than ever. Thanks to your support, to that of our partners (excepting the insurance one obviously …), to that of our volunteers, and all music lover in general, we will continue to wear the colors of the extreme music legacy, be sure!

All united to reunite soon !

Everywhere in France, calls for donations are multiplying to help healthcare workers directly affected by this tragedy. In the face of this situation, we couldn’t stay still.

As an unifying event of such a big community, Hellfest Productions wants to participate to the will but we also count on YOU !

We are launching an online fundraising fund to help and support Nantes University Hospital and donating 20,000€. This is the amount of the usual costs of our emergency doctors and units on the festival, protecting and taking care of you every year and who will not be solicited this year.

We invite you, right now and if you can, to donate to the « Hellfest For Health » in order to support medical research and our healthcare workers. You will show everyone that extreme music fans know how to unite and show solidarity and generosity towards those who are on the frontlines protecting us.

Hellfest For Health - Soutien au CHU de Nantes
par Hellfest Productions

Faire un don:

Stay strong, Stay safe, Stay Home

You will have over a year to perfect your headbanging. We will wait for you on June 18/19/20th, 2021 with even more impatience than usual! Until then, take care of yourself and your love ones and please, stay home.

We wish you all a pleasant confinement with the sound of saturated guitars! We will see you soon and will keep you up to date!

Hellfest crew
En fin... A ver qué pasa con el Brutal Assault: 

Actualización a 10/04/2020: Al parecer, tienen problemas con el seguro:
Aware of the risks and its responsibility, Hellfest Productions Association has nevertheless taken care to take out insurance of type “all except” with the company named ALBINGIA, French insurance company located in Levallois Perret, for the modest amount of 175,000€. Sum corresponding to the amount of the premium of the contract supposed to cover us of potential risks leading to a cancellation. The same insurance contract clearly stipulates that financial losses due to possible pandemics will be covered provided that the contract was signed before the outbreak and recognition of the pandemic by the French authorities or by the WHO. Our contract was signed on December 17, 2019, before the virus appears in China.

But here we are, our insurance company is demonstrating to those still doubting, that it is easier to pay insurance premiums rather than to obtain reparation for damages that we are supposed to be covered. Therefore, we were denied from ALBINGIA because this “type” of pandemic did not fit into our insurance policy.

We obviously contest this reading. For ALBINGIA, solidarity is for others, taking the risk of putting their policyholders in economic difficulties. Their reasoning is simple, take our contributions for a cancellation insurance YES, compensate us: NEVER. The idea?! Playing with words and interpretations to start a trial which last for several years. Meanwhile, the company will keep the money we should be able to claim. This is the reason why we want to shed light today on these shameful practices especially in times like this.

Solidarity and commitments compliance should be the main concerns of insurers company.

In short, while we are waiting for a long procedure, only two words come to us for this specialized event and audiovisual insurance company: FUCK YOU!

Llevo varios años con ganas de volver porque los carteles molan pero es una locura para conseguir entradas:

Actualización a 16/04/2020: Wacken cancelado: 

Actualización a 11/06/2020: Debido a la cancelación de este año, están publicando videos: 

Actualización a 14/08/2020: Pospuesto:

Actualización a 21/02/2021: Jooder! TAMBIÉN se pospone el del 2021!

Nous avons espéré le meilleur, mais c’est finalement le pire qui se prépare pour cette année. Face aux incertitudes de la situation sanitaire à venir et aux dernières réglementations gouvernementales pour les festivals, nous sommes contraints d’annuler l’édition 2021 du HELLFEST des 18, 19 et 20 juin prochains.

Votre incroyable mobilisation lors de notre “coup de gueule” d’il y a quelques semaines a permis d’alerter l’opinion publique et les médias sur tout un secteur qui subit de plein fouet cette crise sanitaire (comme plein d’autres). L’État a vite réagi et nous avons ainsi pu rencontrer virtuellement les services du ministère de la Culture en compagnie d’autres festivals français. Dans un premier temps pour expliquer notre situation, puis pour demander des réponses, si ce n’est des solutions afin d’organiser sereinement des festivals cet été.

Lors d’une “ultime” réunion ce jeudi 18 février, le verdict est tombé : les festivals d’été seront autorisés mais avec des conditions draconiennes : 5 000 personnes assises avec une distanciation sociale… Nul doute qu’il sera possible pour de nombreux événements de musique classique, de danse, de théâtre et autres de s’adapter. Mais nous concernant, ces critères rendent impossible l’organisation de notre événement en 2021, nous obligeant ainsi à reporter une fois de plus notre édition anniversaire.

Nous ne souhaitons pas blâmer de façon gratuite le gouvernement pour les choix forts qu’il a décidé de prendre. Nous avons bien conscience que la situation sanitaire exige une certaine forme de prudence. Nous constatons cependant que ces mesures sont plus ou moins celles qui étaient en vigueur l’été dernier, donnant lieu à un été qu’on oserait qualifier de moribond et mortifère pour les festivals et la culture en général. Un an s’est écoulé depuis l’arrivée de l’épidémie et il semble que peu de chemin ait été parcouru avant un retour à une “vie normale”... et ce malgré une connaissance plus importante de la maladie, malgré la vaccination qui avance, malgré la présence de tests…

Nous avions demandé des réponses, nous les avons eues. On ne va pas se mentir, elles ne sont guère réjouissantes pour les “fêtards” mais elles ont le mérite de mettre fin aux incertitudes de nombreux organisateurs de festival. Nous ne pouvons évidemment pas nous réjouir de ce cadre très restrictif qui va à l’encontre de ce que nous souhaitons offrir à nos festivaliers, de ce qu’est un événement résolument « Rock’n’roll ».

Un festival se doit d’être un espace de liberté, où les interactions sociales et l’esprit de fête ne peuvent être sacrifiés sur l’autel d’une épidémie. Ce qui est proposé est d’organiser des festivals aseptisés et sans vie pour dire que cela est autorisé. Tout ceci est aux antipodes de ce qui nous unit et fait de nous une communauté.

Imaginer un Hellfest avec 5 000 festivaliers tirés au sort sur les 60 000 déjà munis d’un pass 3 jours, assis et distanciés est au mieux fantaisiste, mais plus réellement une hérésie.

Malheureusement, à travers cette décision et ce cadre, nous constatons une fois de plus que les esthétiques musicales, à destination de la jeunesse essentiellement, vont être durement touchées l’été prochain. A contrario d’autres festivals, nous faisons le dur choix de ne pas accepter ces règles trop restrictives car cela serait une absurdité. Nous devons à nos festivaliers une cohérence dans le projet que nous souhaitons leur offrir et pour lequel ils ont accepté de payer le prix fort.

Le Hellfest est né d’une volonté de rassembler tous les amoureux de musiques dites “extrêmes” dans un cadre de communion collective et d’esprit de fête. Trouver un modèle résilient est une utopie, le penser irait à l’encontre même de l’ADN du festival. Vivre avec le virus ne doit pas être un renoncement à ce qui nous fait vivre heureux.

L’avenir du festival s’assombrit un peu plus et encore une fois c’est votre confiance et votre solidarité qui nous permettront de traverser cet orage.

Comme l’année passée, nous vous proposons de conserver précieusement votre pass 3 Jours ou 1 jour acheté en 2020 et valable pour le Hellfest 2021. Votre pass sera valable pour l’édition 2022, qui se tiendra les 17, 18 et 19 Juin 2022. Aucune démarche n'est à réaliser de votre côté si vous souhaitez garder votre billet.

Ce choix fort vous permettra de soutenir pleinement l’association Hellfest Productions dans la préparation de sa future édition en 2022. Une année 2022 qui devra répondre à ce goût de vivre ensemble ces grands moments !

Nous sommes conscients qu’en ces temps de crise économique, cet effort financier sera trop lourd à porter pour certains d’entre vous, c’est pourquoi une solution de remboursement sera également proposée. Nous reviendrons prochainement vers vous sur les modalités, y compris pour les spécificités liées aux différents packs transports (train, bus, etc…). D’ici là, vous pouvez aussi utiliser le site de notre partenaire Ticketswap pour revendre votre billet en toute sécurité à un autre festivalier, ainsi vous apporterez votre soutien au festival et ferez sans doute des heureux pour l’an prochain.

Ce nouveau coup dur ne nous a pas abattu pour autant, et croyez-nous, il nous en faut bien plus pour venir à bout de notre volonté. Nous vous proposerons l’année prochaine un retour “physique” du Hellfest qui répondra à toutes vos espérances après ces deux ans d’absence. Nul doute qu’il s’agira là d’un moment historique de retrouvailles entre vous les fans, les artistes et nos équipes !

En attendant, nous allons nous atteler dès maintenant à réfléchir à une façon d’exister cet été. De nombreuses (dont une particulièrement…) surprises sont à attendre en juin prochain...donc restez connectés !

On ne pouvait pas terminer ce nouveau (sic) communiqué d’annulation, sans avoir une pensée pour nos salariés, techniciens, bénévoles, artistes, prestataires, mécènes et partenaires qui vont souffrir une année de plus de l’annulation du Hellfest. Sachez que nous ne sommes pas seuls dans cette tempête et que notre motivation et notre envie en sortiront décuplées pour vous offrir un spectacle à la hauteur de cette trop longue attente.

Stay Safe, Stay Strong

Hellfest Crew

We hoped for the best, but ultimately the worst is brewing for this year. Faced with the uncertainties of the upcoming health situation and the latest government regulations for festivals, we are forced to cancel the 2021 edition of HELLFEST on June 18, 19 and 20.

Your incredible mobilization during our "rant" a few weeks ago has alerted public opinion and the media to an entire sector which is suffering the full brunt of this health crisis (like many others). The state reacted quickly and we were able to meet virtually the services of the Ministry of Culture in the company of other French festivals. First to explain our situation, then to ask for answers, if not solutions, in order to organize festivals with peace of mind this summer.

During a “final” meeting this Thursday, February 18, the verdict fell: summer festivals will be authorized but with draconian conditions: 5,000 people seated with social distancing… No doubt that it will be possible for many classical music, dance, theater and other events to adapt. But for us, these criteria make it impossible to organize our event in 2021, forcing us to postpone our anniversary edition once again.

We do not wish to blame the government gratuitously for the strong choices it has decided to make. We are well aware that the health situation requires a certain form of caution. We find, however, that these measures are more or less those that were in effect last summer, resulting in what we would dare call a dying and deadly summer for festivals and culture in general. A year has passed since the arrival of the epidemic and it seems that little has been done before a return to a “normal life” ... and this despite a greater knowledge of the disease, despite the vaccination which advances, despite the presence of tests ...

We asked for answers, we got them. We are not going to lie to each other, they are hardly encouraging for “party animals” but they have the merit of putting an end to the uncertainties of many festival organizers. We obviously cannot be happy with this very restrictive framework which goes against what we want to offer our festival-goers, what is a decidedly "Rock'n'roll" event.

A festival should be a space of freedom, where social interactions and the spirit of celebration cannot be sacrificed on the altar of an epidemic. What is proposed is to organize sanitized and lifeless festivals to say that it is allowed. All this is the opposite of what unites us and makes us a community.

To imagine a Hellfest with 5,000 festival-goers drawn out of the 60,000 already with a 3-day pass, seated and left behind is fanciful at best, but not really heresy.

Unfortunately, through this decision and this framework, we see once again that musical aesthetics, primarily aimed at young people, are going to be hit hard next summer. Unlike other festivals, we make the hard choice not to accept these overly restrictive rules because that would be absurd. We owe our festival-goers consistency in the project that we want to offer them and for which they have agreed to pay a high price.

Hellfest was born from a desire to bring together all lovers of so-called "extreme" music in a framework of collective communion and a spirit of celebration. Finding a resilient model is a utopia, to think so would go against the very DNA of the festival. Living with the virus shouldn't be giving up what makes us happy.

The future of the festival darkens even more and once again it is your trust and solidarity that will get us through this storm.

Like last year, we suggest that you keep your 3-day or 1-day pass purchased in 2020 and valid for Hellfest 2021 in a safe place. Your pass will be valid for the 2022 edition, which will be held on June 17, 18 and 19, 2022. You don't have to do anything if you want to keep your ticket.

This strong choice will allow you to fully support the Hellfest Productions association in the preparation of its future edition in 2022. A year 2022 which will have to respond to this desire to live together these great moments!
We are aware that in these times of economic crisis, this financial effort will be too heavy for some of you to bear, which is why a reimbursement solution will also be offered. We will get back to you shortly on the terms, including the specifics related to the different transport packs (train, bus, etc.). Until then, you can also use our partner's site Ticketswap to safely resell your ticket to another festival goer, so you can support the festival and no doubt make people happy for next year.

This new blow did not bring us down, and believe us, we need a lot more to overcome our will. Next year we will be offering you a "physical" return to Hellfest that will meet all your expectations after these two years of absence. There is no doubt that this will be a historic moment of reunion between you the fans, the artists and our teams!

In the meantime, we'll get down to thinking about a way to exist this summer right now. Many surprises (including one in particular ...) are to be expected next June ... so stay tuned!

We could not finish this new (sic) cancellation press release without having a thought for our employees, technicians, volunteers, artists, contractors, patrons and partners who will suffer one more year from the cancellation of Hellfest. Know that we are not alone in this storm and that our motivation and our desire will come out tenfold to offer you a show worthy of this too long wait.

Stay Safe, Stay Strong

Hellfest Crew
A ver si el año que viene...

En fin...

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