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June 12, 2014Olé! Con DOS COJONES! Éso es compromiso y coherencia!
All Our Patent Are Belong To You
By Elon Musk, CEO
Yesterday, there was a wall of Tesla patents in the lobby of our Palo Alto headquarters. That is no longer the case. They have been removed, in the spirit of the open source movement, for the advancement of electric vehicle technology.
Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.
When I started out with my first company, Zip2, I thought patents were a good thing and worked hard to obtain them. And maybe they were good long ago, but too often these days they serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors. After Zip2, when I realized that receiving a patent really just meant that you bought a lottery ticket to a lawsuit, I avoided them whenever possible.
At Tesla, however, we felt compelled to create patents out of concern that the big car companies would copy our technology and then use their massive manufacturing, sales and marketing power to overwhelm Tesla. We couldn’t have been more wrong. The unfortunate reality is the opposite: electric car programs (or programs for any vehicle that doesn’t burn hydrocarbons) at the major manufacturers are small to non-existent, constituting an average of far less than 1% of their total vehicle sales.
At best, the large automakers are producing electric cars with limited range in limited volume. Some produce no zero emission cars at all.
Given that annual new vehicle production is approaching 100 million per year and the global fleet is approximately 2 billion cars, it is impossible for Tesla to build electric cars fast enough to address the carbon crisis. By the same token, it means the market is enormous. Our true competition is not the small trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being produced, but rather the enormous flood of gasoline cars pouring out of the world’s factories every day.
We believe that Tesla, other companies making electric cars, and the world would all benefit from a common, rapidly-evolving technology platform.
Technology leadership is not defined by patents, which history has repeatedly shown to be small protection indeed against a determined competitor, but rather by the ability of a company to attract and motivate the world’s most talented engineers. We believe that applying the open source philosophy to our patents will strengthen rather than diminish Tesla’s position in this regard.
Tesla Motors, Inc. is an American company that designs, manufactures, and sells electric cars and electric vehicle powertrain components.El Tesla Roadster, basado en mi querido Lotus Elise (e inalcanzable de segunda mano, debería añadir, ya que me tuve que "conformar" con un Honda S2000):
Tesla Motors first gained widespread attention by producing the Tesla Roadster, the first fully electric sports car. The company's second vehicle was the Model S, a fully electric luxury sedan.
Tesla also markets electric powertrain components, including lithium-ion battery packs, to automakers, including Daimler and Toyota. Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, has said he envisions Tesla as an independent automaker,aimed at eventually offering electric cars at a price affordable to the average consumer.
Tesla Motors is named after electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. The Tesla Roadster uses an AC motor descended directly from Tesla's original 1882 design. The Tesla Roadster, the company's first vehicle, is the first production automobile to use lithium-ion battery cells and the first production EV with a range greater than 200 miles (320 km) per charge. Between 2008 and March 2012, Tesla sold more than 2,250 Roadsters in 31 countries. Tesla stopped taking orders for the Roadster in the U.S. market in August 2011. Tesla unveiled the Tesla Model S all-electric sedan on March 26, 2009. As of March 2013, Tesla employed almost 3,000 full-time employees.
P.D: Mientras esperamos a que a alguién (ejem...) le interese abandonar los motores de combustión interna... podemos dejarnos una pasta en un Tesla o similar o, con dos cojones, convertir nuestro coche a eléctrico:
Y si ésto lo han hecho 3 pelaos, a qué espera la industria (del automóvil), siempre tan concienciada con el medio ambiente y velando por los interes del usuario final (igual que los gobiernos)? En fin...
Yo, mientras tanto, seguiré contribuyendo a la destrucción del planeta:
Sí, lo sé. Soy un monstruo!
Actualización a 14/07/2014: Autobuses eléctricos para el centro de las ciudades! Cómo no se nos habría ocurrido!
Irizar participa en el proyecto ZeEUS para implantar autobuses eléctricos en las principales ciudades de Europa
Se trata de un proyecto innovador que tiene por objetivo el desarrollo de vehículos eléctricos de gran capacidad y la creación de infraestructuras adecuadas para su recarga para implantar una solución completamente eléctrica en gran parte de las redes europeas de autobuses urbanos.
El uso de la electricidad como combustible alternativo para el transporte por carretera contribuye a reducir la contaminación atmosférica, la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y la contaminación acústica.
Donostia estrena el primer autobús 100% eléctrico de IrizarActualización a 23/07/2014: Vaya! Otro más!
Dispone de una autonomía de entre 200 y 250 kilómetros después de 5 horas de carga de las baterías
EFE - Viernes, 11 de Julio de 2014
Actualización a 31/07/2014: Europa, como siempre, por delante:
La venta de coches eléctricos se dobla en EuropaVaya, y ésto otro!
-Un informe de Transport&Environment recoge que 50.000 vehículos se vendieron en 2013
E.G.Sevillano Madrid 30 JUL 2014 - 21:47 CEST
Las ventas de coches eléctricos se han doblado año tras año en Europa desde 2010, según un informe de la mayor ONG europea especializada en transporte sostenible, Transport & Environment (T&E), a partir de datos de la Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente. Las últimas estadísticas indican que en 2013 los europeos compraron casi 50.000 vehículos enchufables, lo que representa un pequeño porcentaje sobre el total de coches (0,4%), pero que en opinión de T&E demuestra que este sector desempeñará un papel decisivo en el cambio hacia una movilidad más sostenible.
En la UE se vende alrededor de una cuarta parte de todos los coches eléctricos. Los mayores mercados nacionales son Estados Unidos y Japón. Dentro de Europa, hay grandes diferencias entre Estados: mientras en Noruega y Holanda más del 5% de los coches que circulan por sus carreteras ya son eléctricos, en la mayoría del resto de países el porcentaje es muy inferior al 1%, recuerda el informe, publicado ayer. El texto recuerda también que los vehículos eléctricos tienen un cometido importante en la mejora de la movilidad, pero que “no son la panacea”. Afirma, por ejemplo, que salvo que la electricidad provenga de fuentes renovables, los beneficios en cuanto a dióxido de carbono pueden ser limitados “e incluso negativos en algunos países”.
Más limpios por ley:
“El aumento en las ventas de estos coches es consecuencia de la necesidad de los fabricantes de innovar para cumplir los requisitos sobre emisiones de CO2 de la Comisión Europea”, explica Greg Archer, encargado de coche eléctrico en T&A. El Parlamento Europeo aprobó recientemente una estricta normativa contra las emisiones de dióxido de carbono producidas por automóviles. Los turismos nuevos fabricados después del año 2020 tendrán que emitir un máximo de 95 gramos de CO2 por kilómetro, un 25% menos que los 130 que fija el límite actual.
El coche eléctrico, sin embargo, sigue enfrentándose a un escollo difícil de sortear en un contexto de crisis económica: el precio. “Es necesario animar a los ciudadanos a participar en sistemas de coche eléctrico compartido, como los que existen en París (Autolib) o en Berlín (Drive Now). Eso permitiría que más conductores se familiaricen con esta tecnología y lleguen a integrar su uso con el resto del transporte público”, asegura Archer.
Tesla y Panasonic construirán la mayor fábrica de baterías eléctricasActualización a 23/12/2014:
-El acuerdo permitirá a la empresa de Elon Musk montar en Estados Unidos 500.000 vehículos eléctricos al año en 2020
Thiago Ferrer Morini Madrid 31 JUL 2014 - 11:57 CEST
Elon Musk ha dado un paso de gigante para convertir a su empresa, Tesla Motors, en un actor global el mercado del automóvil. La empresa de vehículos eléctricos encabezada por el fundador de PayPal ha anunciado este jueves un acuerdo con la japonesa Panasonic para sacar adelante su proyecto de la mayor fábrica de baterías eléctricas del mundo. La gigafábrica, el nombre que Tesla ha dado a la factoría —que estará en un punto aún por determinar del oeste de EE UU— permitirá, si las previsiones se cumplen, que, para 2020, la empresa pueda montar medio millón de coches eléctricos al año en su fábrica de Fremont (California).
Esa cifra representa más de cinco veces el número de vehículos puramente eléctricos vendidos en EE UU en 2013, según la Asociación del Transporte con Motor Eléctrico (EDTA, en sus siglas en inglés), y más de un 10% de la producción estadounidense de turismos el año pasado. Aunque ninguna de las dos empresas ha dado la cifra exacta del acuerdo, Tesla preveía una inversión conjunta de entre 4.000 y 5.000 millones de dólares (de 3.000 a 3.750 millones de euros) de los que Tesla pondrá aproximadamente la mitad.
Según el pacto, Panasonic se encargará de la puesta en marcha y operación de una cadena de montaje de células de ion-litio, que Tesla empaquetará en baterías, tanto para sus propios vehículos como para otras aplicaciones. La idea es reducir el coste de la tecnología. "Esta fábrica representa un cambio fundamental en como se fabrican baterías a gran escala", ha señalado Jeffrey Straubel, director técnico y cofundador de Tesla, en la presentación del proyecto. "Abre el camino a una reducción drástica en el coste del almacenamiento de energía".
Tesla presenta su sistema de cambio de baterías
Por coches-electricos-hibridos 23 de diciembre de 2014
Actualización a 23/02/2015: Review (con poco contenido, la verdad) del Tesla Model S P85 (
Actualización a 03/05/2015: Interesante!
Energy Storage for a Sustainable Home
Powerwall is a home battery that charges using electricity generated from solar panels, or when utility rates are low, and powers your home in the evening. It also fortifies your home against power outages by providing a backup electricity supply. Automated, compact and simple to install, Powerwall offers independence from the utility grid and the security of an emergency backup.
Solar Powered Day and Night
The average home uses more electricity in the morning and evening than during the day when solar energy is plentiful. Without a home battery, excess solar energy is often sold to the power company and purchased back in the evening. This mismatch adds demand on power plants and increases carbon emissions. Powerwall bridges this gap between renewable energy supply and demand by making your home’s solar energy available to you when you need it.
Avoid Paying Peak Rates
Power companies often charge a higher price for electricity during peak evening hours than overnight when demand is low. Powerwall can reduce your power bill by storing electricity when rates are low and powering your home when rates are high.
Energy Security
Powerwall automatically switches to battery power in the event of an electric company outage, bringing peace of mind to those who live in areas prone to storms or unreliable utility grids.
Y, mientras, en España...
En fin...
Actualización a 05/05/2015: A ver si nos aclaramos ya sobre una polémica ley que grava la venta de electricidad a la red pública:
Actualización a 06/05/2015: Más info sobre su hipotético uso en España:
Actualización a 09/06/2015: Sorpresa, sorpresa!
Industria penalizará con impuestos el uso de baterías de acumulación como las de TeslaActua.lización a 26/01/2016: Mira que tener que llegar a ésto...
-El Ministerio de Industria creará un impuesto para gravar el uso de sistemas de almacenamiento por parte de autoconsumidores de electricidad.
-Solo podrán usar estos acumuladores los que no se conecten a la red eléctrica y dispongan por tanto de una instalación aislada.
-A FONDO: La batería eléctrica doméstica, un sueño casi imposible para los hogares españoles:
EUROPA PRESS. 09.06.2015 - 08:52h
El Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo creará un nuevo cargo que desincentivará el uso de baterías o sistemas de almacenamiento por parte de los autoconsumidores de electricidad que se conecten a la red, según se aprecia en el borrador de real decreto que regula esta actividad, cuyo contenido está siendo sometido a consulta pública.
Con la nueva regulación, estos autoconsumidores no solo no podrán recurrir a baterías como la lanzada recientemente por la compañía estadounidense Tesla, sino que sufrirán una penalización para los sistemas de almacenamiento que ya incorporan los nuevos paneles solares. Solo podrán usar estos acumuladores los que no se conecten a la red eléctrica y dispongan por tanto de una instalación aislada.
El real decreto 1699/2011 ya prohibió la posibilidad de intercalar una batería entre la instalación de generación y el equipo de medida. Sin embargo, los nuevos paneles solares incorporan en algunos casos baterías que ya no se encuentran intercaladas en el circuito y que por tanto podrían ser susceptibles de utilizarse sin trabas regulatorias.
Según el experto en regulación Jorge Morales de Labra, es precisamente este aspecto el que mejor explica la disposición transitoria del borrador en el que se fija un nuevo cargo del que quedan excluidas las instalaciones que no lleven acumuladores.
En concreto, el gravamen se aplica sobre la potencia y oscila entre los 8,9 euros por kilovatio (kW) y los 15,3 euros por kW para potencias inferiores a 15 kW conectadas en baja tensión. Este importe, indica el experto, será suficientemente disuasorio.
Una autonomía de dos horas
Las baterías incorporadas a las placas solares suelen tener una autonomía media de unas dos horas y su uso está siendo incentivado por reguladores como los de Alemania, que han encontrado en ellas una solución para no concetrar a las mismas horas los vertidos de electricidad a la red.
El borrador de Industria también señala en su artículo 10 que la electricidad excedentaria que los autoconsumidores puedan verter a la red no tendrá ninguna contraprestación económica. Este aspecto podría animarles a almacenar su electricidad para consumirla en las horas en las que no haya sol.
Industria sí permitirá a los consumidores conectados en alta tensión y que realicen actividades empresariales tener una retribución por verter electricidad que no pueda ser consumida en su propia instalación, aunque sujeta a condiciones.
A estos autoconsumidores en alta tensión sí se les permitirá implantar sistemas de ahorro y eficiencia, si bien los generadores y las baterías de almacenamientos quedarán también excluidos de esta modalidad.
Actualización a 08/02/2016: Esperemos que a nadie se le ocurra seguir poniendo palos en las ruedas:
Actualización a 05/04/2016: El nuevo Model 3 y la lista de pedidos:
El nuevo Tesla suma pedidos por valor de 10.000 millones de dólares en 36 horasActualización a 02/06/2016:
-El fabricante de coches eléctricos va a tener que modificar los planes de producción para atender la demanda
Sandro Pozzi
Nueva York 5 ABR 2016 - 10:12 CEST
Ni el propio Elon Musk se lo cree. El Model 3, el último sedán eléctrico de Tesla, lleva registrados más de 275.000 pedidos desde que se presentó la noche del pasado jueves en California, ya entrada la madrugada en España. Si esta demanda masiva por comprar el vehículo se pasa por caja, la compañía cuenta con una cartera de pedidos que asciende ya a los 10.000 millones de dólares (unos 8.800 millones de euros).
Actualización a 22/06/2016:
Tesla quiere comprar la empresa líder en EE UU en energía solar para hogares
-La empresa de coches eléctricos ofrece 2.500 millones de euros por el 100% de las acciones de SolarCity
Rosa Jiménez Cano
San Francisco 22 JUN 2016 - 12:05 CEST
Elon Musk, fundador de Tesla Motors y Space X está obsesionado con la energía limpia. El empresario quiere reforzar la autonomía de sus coches eléctricos, pero también que la gente use energía solar en casa y por ello ha ofrecido 2.800 millones de dólares (casi 2.500 millones de euros) para comprar Solar City, la empresa de energía solar líder en energía solar para el mercado residencial y comercial. Musk es ya uno de los grandes inversores de SolarCity y es miembro de su consejo. Ahora pretende hacerse con el resto de las acciones y ofrece un precio de entre 26,50 y 28,50 dólares por acción.
Para Musk, cuyo paseo por el centro de Palo Alto ha sido foco de atención en redes sociales, forma parte de su estrategia: "En marzo de 2015 lanzamos Tesla Energy, que junto con las baterías Powerwall y Powerpack permiten a los propietarios de viviendas y negocios beneficiarse del almacenaje de energía renovable. Ahora es el momento de completar el cuadro", afirma la compañía en un texto en su blog en el que anuncia la oferta. "Nuestros clientes pueden conducir coches limpios, usar nuestras baterías para ayudar a un consumo más eficiente de energía, pero aún necesitan acceso a la fuente de energía más sostenible disponible: el sol".
Tras hacerse público este movimiento, las acciones de Solar City han subido un 19%. Con las de Tesla pasó lo contrario, bajaron un 13%. Tesla ambiciona hacerse con SolarCity para crear una gran empresa vertical de energía renovable con el consumidor como eje central.
La intención de Tesla no es solo recargar el coche, sino también llevar energía eléctrica limpia a hogares y empresas. “Con un Model S, Model X o Model 3, un panel solar y una batería Powerwall (pensada para el hogar), se podrá distribuir y consumir energía de la forma más eficiente y sostenible hasta la fecha", explican.
Lyndon Rive, consejero delegado de SolarCity, no se ha dirigido a los medios, pero sí ha enviado un correo electrónico a sus empleados en el que dice que van a estudiar la oferta: “Existen muchísimas sinergias entre ambas compañías. El consejo y los accionistas vamos a revisar la propuesta. No me emociona mucho, pero no voy a dejar que mi opinión sea perjudicial. La última palabra será de los inversores”. Al mismo tiempo, han contactado con la Comisión de Mercados y Valores de Estados Unidos para comunicar que van a estudiar la oferta.
En el último trimestre, los ingresos de Tesla llegaron a 1.600 millones de dólares (1.420 millones de euros). Entregaron 14.810 coches y esperan llegar a 17.000 en el trimestre actual. Sus esfuerzos están ahora en el Model 3, un coche cuyo precio será, por primera vez en la firma, inferior a 40.000 dólares. Cuentan ya con 325.000 reservas. Cada uno de los compradores ha adelantado 1.000 dólares. La estimación de Musk es comenzar las entregas antes de que termine 2017.
Actualización a 05/08/2021: Seguimos igual:
Y "sólo" cuesta unos 8X.000€! Pero... TAMOS LOCOS?!?
Actualización a 03/04/2024: Xiaomi SU7:
Xiaomi Unveils Five Core Automotive Technologies and Debuts Xiaomi SU7, Completing the Human x Car x Home Smart Ecosystem
Beijing, CHINA, December 28, 2023 - Xiaomi held its Xiaomi EV Technology Launch, officially unveiling Xiaomi EV's five core technologies - E-Motor, Battery, Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting, Xiaomi Pilot Autonomous Driving, and Smart Cabin. From the development of foundational core technologies, Xiaomi aims to redefine the technology of the automotive industry.
Xiaomi EV's first product - the highly anticipated Xiaomi SU7, has been "pre-launched," with its design, performance, range, safety, and other details making global debut. Positioned as a "full-size high-performance eco-technology sedan," Xiaomi SU7 aims to push the limits of performance, ecosystem, and mobile smart space.
Quoting a sentence of Chinese poetry, "with firm strides we are crossing its summit." Lei Jun, founder, chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi Group, stated that Xiaomi's entry into the automotive industry marks a significant leap from the smartphone industry and a crucial step toward closing the loop of the Human x Car x Home smart ecosystem. Lei Jun further expressed that the century-old automotive industry offers little room for maneuvering today: "Xiaomi has decided to invest tenfold, starting from the development of fundamental core technologies, committing to constructing an outstanding vehicle. Through 15 to 20 years of effort, Xiaomi aims to become one of the top five global automakers."
Redefining the technology stack of the automotive industry
Smart electric vehicles are trending towards integration of the automotive industry with consumer electronics and intelligent ecosystems. Integrating full-stack technologies is a necessary step for the industry's evolution. Lei Jun stated that by integrating industrial manufacturing, smart software, and AI, Xiaomi EV will completely redefine the automotive industry, marking a significant leap in its technological landscape.
Xiaomi EV is committed to a bottom-up approach, starting from developing foundational core technologies and in-depth independent research in key technology sectors. With a commitment to "tenfold investment, conscientiously building a great car," Xiaomi EV has invested over 10 billion CNY in the initial research and development phase. The R&D team comprises over 3,400 engineers and over a thousand technical experts in critical domains both in China and abroad. This conference unveiled breakthroughs in the development of Xiaomi EV's five core technologies. In key sectors such as E-Motor, Battery, Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting, Xiaomi Pilot Autonomous Driving, and Smart Cabin, numerous Xiaomi EV's self-developed technologies have become first-of-kind globally or domestically. This showcases Xiaomi's 13 years of comprehensive technological accumulation since its inception.
At the conference, Xiaomi showcased its independently developed and manufactured E-motors, HyperEngine V6/V6s, and HyperEngine V8s. The three E-motors, employing innovative technologies such as Bidirectional Full Oil Cooling Technology, S-shaped oil circuit design, and staggered silicon steel laminations design, rival the performance of traditional large V8 and V6 powertrains from the era of internal combustion engines, pushing the industry's performance boundaries to new heights.
Notably, HyperEngine V8s, with a maximum speed of 27,200 rpm, 425kW output, and 635N·m peak torque, sets a global record for E-motors. To enable the industry-exceeding standard of 27,200 rpm, HyperEngine V8s employs the industry's first ultra high-strength silicon steel plate with a tensile strength of 960MPa, boasting strength that surpasses mainstream industry offerings by more than two-times.
For cooling design, HyperEngine V8s adopts a Bidirectional Full Oil Cooling Technology and an S-shaped oil circuit design. For the stator, a dual-cycle oil circuit is employed, increasing the heat dissipation area by 100% and achieving a cooling effect of up to 20°C. Meanwhile, the rotor section utilizes a patented S-shaped oil circuit, increasing the heat dissipation area by 50% and achieving a cooling effect of up to 30°C. Additionally, the stator silicon steel laminations feature a "step-like" staggered design, further increasing the effective heat dissipation area by an additional 7%.
HyperEngine V8s is in development, and set to be mass-produced and implemented in Xiaomi EVs in 2025.
Xiaomi's self-developed HyperEngine V6/V6s E-motors boast an industry-leading rotational speed of 21,000rpm, surpassing the most powerful mass-produced electric motor globally. Among them, the HyperEngine V6 super motor has a maximum power of 299PS and a maximum torque of 400N·m, while the HyperEngine V6s super motor achieves a maximum power of 374PS and a maximum torque of 500N·m.
Xiaomi has also self-developed CTB Integrated Battery Technology through innovative Inverted Cell Technology, multifunctional elastic interlayer, and a minimalistic wiring system; it features a battery integration efficiency of 77.8%, the highest of CTB batteries worldwide, a 24.4% overall performance improvement, and a height reduction of 17mm, with a maximum battery capacity of up to 150 kWh and theoretical CLTC recharge range exceeding 1200 km.
To ensure stable performance during long-range travel, Xiaomi employs industry-leading safety design standards. The downward-facing pressure relief valve swiftly releases energy in extreme situations, maximizing passenger cabin safety. A 14-layer robust physical protection system includes three layers of top support, three layers of side protection, and eight layers of bottom protection.
In terms of heat dissipation, a dual-side water cooling solution implements heat dissipation plates on both long sides of the battery cells, achieving a cooling area of 7.8m²—four times the industry average. The sides of the battery cells feature 165 pieces of aerogel insulation material, capable of resisting temperatures up to 1000°C.
Xiaomi EV is equipped with a self-developed Battery Management System (BMS) with ASIL-D, the highest functional safety level. This BMS includes three independent thermal runaway monitors and alarms, along with an around-the-clock early warning system. Each Xiaomi battery boasts industry-leading reliability and undergoes the most stringent battery safety tests, including 1050+ safety verifications and 96 times the international standard of durability testing duration.
Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting
Xiaomi has unveiled its self-developed Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting T9100 cluster and proprietary die-casting alloy material, Xiaomi Titans Metal, making it the only domestic automaker simultaneously self-researching both large die-casting and materials.
Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting T9100 covers an area of 840m², with a total weight of 1050t and locking force reaching 9100t. Xiaomi has developed a foundation model quality judgment system that can complete inspections of individual pieces within 2 seconds, offering an efficiency ten times higher than manual inspection. The application of this cluster enables a remarkable achievement for Xiaomi EV, with the rear underbody integrating 72 components into one, reducing welded joints by 840, decreasing overall car weight by 17%, and significantly reducing production hours by 45%.
In material research and development, Xiaomi has developed Xiaomi Titans Metal, a high-strength, high-resilience, heat-treated die-casting material. Xiaomi's self-developed "Multi-Material Performance Simulation System" selects the optimal alloy formula from 10.16 million possibilities, ensuring a perfect combination of strength, resilience, and stability.
While the industry focuses on the tonnage of die-casting clamping pressure, Xiaomi is steadfastly pursuing a full-stack self-researched path. From materials and equipment clusters to finished castings, Xiaomi has completed nearly all aspects of the large die-casting industrial chain.
Xiaomi Pilot Autonomous Driving
In the field of intelligent software technology, Xiaomi has showcased its unique advantage as a global technology leader, driving the integration of the automotive and consumer electronics industries with intelligent ecosystems. In terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi has pioneered three key technologies: Adaptive BEV Technology, Road-Mapping Foundational Model, and Super-Res Occupancy Network Technology.
Adaptive BEV Technology is an industry-leading innovation that invokes different perception algorithms based on scenario. The perception grid has a minimum granularity of 5cm and a maximum of 20cm, with a recognition range extending from 5cm to 250m. This technology ensures wider visibility in urban scenarios, extended vision in high-speed scenarios, and more precision in parking scenarios.
Road-Mapping Foundational Model revolutionizes traditional methods of perceiving road conditions. This model not only recognizes them in real time and intelligently switches to a more reasonable driving trajectory but can also navigate smoothly in complex intersections without relying on high-definition maps thanks to learning from complex intersection scenarios and experienced driver habits.
In terms of obstacle recognition, Xiaomi's Super-Res Occupancy Network Technology achieves unlimited categories of recognition for irregular obstacles. Compared to traditional networks that interpret obstacles as blocks, Xiaomi's innovative vector algorithm simulates all visible objects as continuous curved surfaces. This improves recognition accuracy to as low as 0.1m. Additionally, Xiaomi's self-developed one-click noise reduction feature eliminates the impact of rain and snow on recognition, significantly reducing the probability of misidentification.
In addition to the Road-Mapping Foundational Model, Xiaomi has also independently developed the world's first production-ready "End-to-End Sensing and Decision-Making AI Model" for automated parking. This model allows for real-time observation and dynamic adjustment when parking in challenging scenarios, such as parking facilities that include elevators.
On the hardware front, the system is equipped with top-of-the-line configurations, including two NVIDIA Orin high-performance chips with a combined computing power of 508TOPS. Perception hardware includes one LiDAR, eleven high-definition cameras, three millimeter-wave radars, and twelve ultrasonic radars on the Xiaomi SU7 Max model. With top-tier configurations and full-stack in-house research, Xiaomi's intelligent Autonomous Driving system is set to join the industry's top echelon by 2024.
Smart Cabin
Xiaomi EV Smart Cabin adopts a "human-centric" interaction architecture and features a 16.1-inch 3K central console, a 56-inch HUD head-up display, a 7.1-inch rotating dashboard, and two seat-back extension mounts that allow for the mounting of two tablet devices. It is equipped with the Snapdragon 8295 in-car chip with AI computing power of up to 30 TOPS, enabling an ultimate interactive experience with the linking of five different screens.
The interactive experience of Xiaomi Smart Cabin is similar to tablets, allowing users to quickly adapt without the need for a learning curve. The system operates exceptionally smoothly, with the vehicle OS launching in a rapid 1.49 seconds after the door is unlocked. Additionally, it offers seamless cross-device connection between smartphones and the EV. For example, when the phone is brought into the cabin, the console automatically displays an icon, enabling easy access to the phone's interface with a single touch.
The in-car OS seamlessly integrates mainstream applications, including the whole Xiaomi tablet application ecosystem, with gradual adaptation to over 5000 applications. Smartphone applications can be conveniently pinned to the car console, instantly transforming them into in-car applications. In terms of hardware integration, Xiaomi SU7 supports over 1000 Xiaomi smart home devices for effortless integration with the vehicle, enabling automatic discovery, password-free access, and the ability to set up automation scenarios, creating a robust CarIoT ecosystem. The car interior also has dedicated pin-point expansion connections, supporting plug-and-play functionality for a wide range of devices. To meet the needs of users, Xiaomi EV fully supports CarPlay, the mounting of iPads and iPad accessories, and applications on the rear extension mount.
"Technology x Ecosystem" leads evolution of EVs towards smart mobile spaces
During the presentation, Lei Jun shared Xiaomi's automotive goal: to craft a dream car for the new era of the automotive industry – a vehicle that is aesthetically pleasing, enjoyable to drive, comfortable, smart, and safe.
Representing the epitome of technology, experience, and aesthetics, the "trinity" dream car, Xiaomi SU7, is positioned as a "full-size high-performance eco-technology sedan," It aims to achieve high performance, eco-technology capabilities, and a comprehensive mobile smart space experience.
Xiaomi SU7 emerges as a pinnacle of performance with cutting-edge technology and advanced driving experiences. With a self-developed E-motor - HyperEngine, CTB Integrated Battery Technology, and a series of challenging technological innovations, such as the body structure manufactured from the Xiaomi Hyper Die-Casting T9100 die-casting cluster, Xiaomi SU7 Max achieves a zero-to-hundred acceleration in an impressive 2.78 seconds, firmly placing itself in the "sub-2-second supercar" club, while being capable of reaching an astonishing top speed of 265 km/h.
Xiaomi SU7 is also a truly versatile performer. With a fully self-developed Xiaomi Smart Chassis control algorithm, it possesses two major capabilities: Smart Multidimensional Sensing and Global Synchronized Control. This allows for millisecond-level adaptive dynamic chassis control across all scenarios, providing a stable handling experience while delivering an almost “bump-free" driving experience.
More importantly, Xiaomi SU7 incorporates three major ecosystem empowerments by integrating applications, hardware, and third-party CarIoT ecosystems, providing an unprecedented smart mobile space experience. The Xiaomi CarIoT ecosystem is fully open to third parties, featuring standardized interfaces, extensive communication protocol standards, and lightweight retrofit solutions for existing devices.
Lei Jun stated that the ultimate realm of smart electric vehicles is the fusion of technological breakthroughs and the seamless integration of user needs and their vehicles, where driving becomes intuitive.
Completing the "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem
At the end of October this year, Xiaomi announced a comprehensive upgrade of its group strategy, transitioning from "Smartphone x AIoT" to the "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem, with automobiles becoming a crucial component of Xiaomi's strategic focus.
The "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem is a comprehensive integration of scenarios involving people, cars, and homes, facilitating seamless connectivity of hardware devices, real-time coordination, and driving collaboration among industry partners. Lei Jun announced during this conference that with the addition of Xiaomi EV, the "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem has officially been completed.
The ecosystem enables mutual collaboration and evolution among individuals, devices, and intelligent services within the ecosystem. Leveraging HyperConnect cross-device connectivity, Xiaomi HyperOS seamlessly integrates over 200 product categories, including Xiaomi EV. The ecosystem coverage extends to over 95% of users' daily scenarios, allowing intelligence to intricately serve each individual. Simultaneously, with AI empowerment, Xiaomi HyperMind serves as the center for intelligent reasoning, and can perceive and learn from usage, providing automated, proactive solutions.
Additionally, "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem achieves mutual empowerment among products, technologies, and industries, maintaining an open platform; Xiaomi adheres to the principle of "continuous R&D in foundational technology, continuous and long-term investment." Over the past 13 years, Xiaomi has strategically positioned itself in 12 technology domains and 99 sectors. Guided by the principle of "further integration of software and hardware, and fully harnessing AI capability," Xiaomi has developed a "converged technology stack," continually empowering product research and development as well as manufacturing.
Simultaneously, Xiaomi collaborates with industry partners, including developers, supply chain, and manufacturing to harness the full potential of the entire industry, making Xiaomi HyperOS a more open platform and ensuring that "Human x Car x Home" becomes more inclusive and human-centered, capable of enabling a multitude of possibilities.
Lei Jun stated that Xiaomi's entry into the automotive industry marks a significant leap. This represents a long-term commitment and deep investment in foundational core technologies, a coming-of-age moment for Xiaomi's modern industrial intelligent manufacturing capabilities, and most importantly, a crucial step in completing the "Human x Car x Home" smart ecosystem. Lei Jun emphasized, "Xiaomi's entry into the automotive industry signifies a new beginning for Xiaomi, I believe that one day, Xiaomi EVs will be a familiar sight on roads around the world".
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Buen análisis. Es preocupante los problemas medioambientales y sociales ocasionados las emisiones de CO2 del coche particular. El consumo excesivo de energía, los efectos sobre la salud de la población o la saturación de las vías de circulación, han provocado una voluntad colectiva por encontrar alternativas que ayuden a paliar los efectos negativos de este modelo y a idear un nuevo modelo de ciudad sostenible. Ahora existen, Vehículos autónomos, Patinetes Eléctricos , Scooter, entre otros equipos de desplazamiento personal.
ResponderEliminarMuy buenas, Pilar.
EliminarEfectivamente, pero la solución pasa por reducir los desplazamientos innecesarios y el transporte público sostenible.